Halifax to Vancouver(PART 3 OF 3)
【Himiko's Monologue】
What a cute squirrel it is!
I love squirrels.
Have you ever seen a squirrel?
I once went to Stanley Park.
There are a number of wild animals such as racoons and skunks in the park.
But you're not supposed to feed the animals in Stanley Park.
Please keep it in mind when you fly to Vancouver.
In any case, I hope Kato will write another interesting article soon.
So please come back to see me.
Have a nice day!
Bye bye ...
If you've got some time,
Please read one of the following artciles:
■"Hello Diane!"
■"I wish you were there!"
■"Jane Eyre"
■"Jane Eyre Again"
■"Jane Eyre in Vancouver"
■"Jane Eyre Special"
■"Love & Death of Cleopatra"
■"Nice Story"
■"Spiritual Work or What?"
■"What a coincidence!"
■"Wind and Water"
■"Yoga and Happiness"
■"You're in a good shape"
■"Net Travel & Jane"
■"Net Love"
■"Complicated Love"
■"Electra Complex"
■"Net Début"
■"Diane in Paris"
■"Diane in Montmartre"
■"Diane Well Read"
■"Wantirna South"
■"Maiden's Prayer"
■"Squaw House and Melbourne Hotel"
■"Tulips and Diane"
■"Diane in Bustle Skirt"
■"Diane and Beauty"
■"Film Festival"
■"Midnight in Vancouver"
■"Madame Lindbergh"
■"Dead Poets Society"
■"Letters to Diane"
■"Taliesin Studio"
■"Wright and Japan"
■"Taliesin Banzai"
■"Memrory Lane to Sendai"
■"Aunt Sleepie"
■"Titanic @ Sendai"
■"Roly-poly in the wild"
■"Silence is dull"
■"Zen and Chi Gong"
■"Piano Lesson"
■"Dangerous Relation"
■"Electra Complex"
■"Covent Garden"
■"Fatal Relation"
■"Notre Dame"
■"Anne Frank"
■"Biker Babe"
■"Diane Girdles the Globe"
■"Diane in Casablanca"
■"Infidelity Neighbourhood"
■"Forest Bathing"
■"Enjoy Ramen!"
■"Sex, Violence, Love"
Hi, I'm June Adams.
The Town of Halifax was founded by British government under the direction of the Board of Trade and Plantations under the command of Governor Edward Cornwallis in 1749.
On April 1, 1996, the government of Nova Scotia dissolved the City of Halifax, and amalgamated the four municipalities within Halifax County and formed Halifax Regional Municipality, a single-tier regional government covering that whole area.
There are no longer any cities in Nova Scotia.
The city was the capital of Nova Scotia and shire town of Halifax County.
It was also the largest city in Atlantic Canada.
Residents of the former city are called "Haligonians".
(SOURCE: Wikipedia)
■『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 - 小百合物語』