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また、スパイ?(PART 2 OF 3)



また、スパイ?(PART 2 OF 3)

これを読むと “Windows XP の最新の Service Pack 適用してください” と言うようなことが書いてあるのやけど、 最新の Service Pack を適用しても解決にはならへん。


Windows XP の最新の Service Pack は Pack 3 (SP3) なのやがなァ。

あんさんのパソコンにも Pack 3 (SP3) がインストールしてあるのォ~?

もちろんやァ~、次のように ちゃんと SP3 がインストールされてあるねん。



上の質問を寄せた人物が 困っておる問題は、わてと同じで スパイウェアが helpsvc.exe の中に忍んで、動き回っておるねん。



How to remove HelpSvc error

The free file information forum can help you find out if HelpSvc.exe is a virus, trojan, spyware, adware which you can remove, or a file belonging to a Windows system or an application you can trust.

このページでも helpsvc.exe はウィルスか? あるいは「トロヤの木馬」か? スパイウェアか? はたまたアドウェアか? 疑っているのです。
Windows systemに関連するファイルなのか? 信用できるアプリなのか? その事を調べる手助けをするページだと書いてあります。

HelpSvc.exe file information

The process Microsoft Help Center Service belongs to the software Microsoft Windows Operating System by Microsoft Corporation (www.microsoft.com).

helpsvc.exeはWindows systemに関連するファイルだと言っているのです。


File HelpSvc.exe is located in a subfolder of C:\Windows.

Known file sizes on Windows 7/XP are 743,936 bytes (61% of all occurrence), 703,488 bytes, 744,448 bytes, 696,832 bytes, 694,272 bytes.

HelpSvc.exe is a Windows core system file.
The program is not visible.
HelpSvc.exe is a trustworthy file from Microsoft.
Therefore the technical security rating is 4% dangerous, however also read the users reviews.



Some malware camouflage themselves as HelpSvc.exe, particularly if they are located in c:\windows or c:\windows\system32 folder. Thus check the HelpSvc.exe process on your pc whether it is pest. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security. It was one of the Top Download Picks of The Washington Post and PC World.

マルウェアの中には helpsvc.exe という名前をかたって、実は、ウィルスだったり、スパイウェアだったり、「トロイの木馬」だったりする可能性があるので調べてみる必要があると言っています。

User Comments

May cause memory-block, stop the running proces

By Jimmy Be

There is a microsoft fix if this process hangs your computer or stalls it for a few minutes.

By Leadfoot (further information)

The file has been replaced by some new spy ware. Even though it is 720 KB, The size on disk is not right.. If you copy and replace it from another, non infected computer, it will work right again and not have the high CPU problem.
Make sure you replace the one in windows\system32\dllcache too.

この人物は helpsvc.exe がスパイウェアによって実際に置き換えられていたと言っているのです。

By www.6777777.com

It crowds the system wich may lead erratic operation

By Big Kitten

The size on disk is not right.. Even though it is 720 KB.
If you copy and replace it from another, non, infected computer, it will work right.

I often find it eating up CPU space with Task Manager, suggest manually blocking it with a firewall such as Zone Alarm with a promt (?) for future use - works for me.

この人物もタスクマネージャーで調べてみたら CPU 利用可能時間を helpsvc.exe が独り占めしていたと言っているのです。

By Mike

When it is visible in the taskmanager/process, it hog the cpu power, slow down my computer and stop my winamp(i love my winamp...sob)

この人物もタスクマネージャーで調べてみたら CPU 利用可能時間を helpsvc.exe が独り占めする勢いなのでパソコンがメチャ遅くなったと言っています。

By Maxi

Posting #168733 on link below

By Terrence Haines (further information)

I know it is a pain and insult for Microsoft to put this in their OS

「マイクロソフトは OS の中に余計な物を入れるな! だから、俺の頭痛が消えないのだ!」と言っているのです。

By Broadley O'Crolic

windows file, sometimes slows computer to a crawl. just end task it

「こんなものが OS に入っているので、時たまパソコンが遅くなるんだ。 だから、俺はこいつが走ったら、必ず殺すんだぜ。」と書いてます。

By trotter

This file is affected by malware and then opens at will, soaking up 99% of the cpu. Even after I put that file in a virus chest, it still opens on its own.
A real pain in the butt.

helpsvc.exe はマルウェアによって変えられてしまうことがある。 しかも 勝手に動き出して、CPU 時間を99%も食い尽くすんだぜ。 ウィルスのゴミ箱に入れても、勝手に動き出すし、まったく手に負えない。 まるで切れ痔のようなイタイ奴だぜ!。。。と書いてます。

By Nectarcup

If you go into the Control Panel and open Security Center, then close it, the service will stop hogging CPU time.

By James

1) Do not let Uniblue ads frighten you into purchasing their product.
2) Problems with this service were supposedly addressed in SP2 (so says MS).
3) Can cause an unacceptable boot time and, more frequently, cause Windows to hang when opening Help and Support
4) DO check file sizes (above) to help verify it is Microsofts product (it needs to be)
5) Generally happens with XP Pro
6) Go to services and re-enable any services that depend on it and vice versa
7) Finally do NOT disable it; set it to MANUAL start up. It is necessary for Help and

its more of a hard drive hog than a cpu one

By petpan

Hogs the cpu... had to kill it

CPU 時間を食い尽くすから殺せ!

By Peer

HelpSVC.exe is located in folder C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries, its a system process, but when systems starts it rises the CPU & consume lots of memory which i think do not get free after we close that prosses with task manager. it has to be manully stoped ,as soon as system starts ,with the help of task manager.


By Digizone Thakur

To SHUT THIS OFF and put on Manual, Go to link below: Scroll down to "set Help and Support to manual or disable." and follow steps.
It can be set back to automatic at any time.


By HenryG___Aiken.SC.edu (further information)

It is used to HELP you clean up your desktop if you have too many unused desktop icons.
It's nothing to worry about, just close it and get on with your life.


By Ross

its connecting to internet

By a123

XP Home, Size : 744.448 Bytes

helpsvc.exe is just a process that is used with help and support function in windows turning it off or blocking it disables help and support and nothing else

By windows debugger


Average user rating of HelpSvc.exe: ★★☆☆
(based on 22 votes with 21 reviews)

2 users think HelpSvc.exe is essential for Windows or an installed application.
10 users think it's neither essential nor dangerous.
5 users suspect danger.
5 users think HelpSvc.exe is dangerous and recommend to remove it.
1 user doesn't grade HelpSvc.exe ("not sure about it").


SOURCE: "HelpSvc.exe Windows process - What is it?"

う~~ん。。。あんさんのように Helpsvc.exe で悩まされている人が、結構たくさん居るのやねぇ~!?





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